review: katadreuffe & apneu release show, ot301, amsterdam – january 8 2014

flyer: katadreuffe & apneu release show, ot301, amsterdam - january 8 2014Now time to take in Hunter Complex, albeit briefly as we have a train to catch back to Leiden. Lars of Narrominded, aka Hunter Complex takes full use of the massive space afforded to him by the stage and whacks out his Sound and Vision to great effect. This is possibly the best of the four shows, just for the way it’s thought through. I mean, he really does think his stuff through, and his visuals are (when they’re projected at a decent size) more likely to make you move than his grooves, PURELY BECAUSE they are so brilliantly segued into his music. The Incubate gig last year was great but in the back room of a pub; now, with a big room and amplification to boot, the set was pretty dark and stickily compelling, in a way that very, very early, street-lamp powered raves were; (especially if you avoided falling into the sump pits back then). The weird cuts of 80s films also suggested some mash of Tarkovsky and Toyah too (notebooks out, chinstrokers!) and it was a bitch squared that we had to leave. I dig public transport as much as the next state employee but hey, sometimes leaving early is a pain.

Richard Foster

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